2 min read

Introducing: What I Let Die Podcast

What I Let Die—a 4-part podcast from Raising Free People Network about endings, grief, and what we make possible when we stop trying to tuck our losses away and start holding loss with skill and care. 
Introducing: What I Let Die Podcast
Introducing What I Let Die Podcast

Now available on Spotify, and coming soon to your favorite podcast platform! Please go show it some love. Episodes 1 and 2 come out on the 23rd of March.

Grief literacy—the ability to name, witness, and tend to endings—is a socially sanctioned ignorance. We are living in a time of collapse, irreparability, and profound shifts. But no one taught us how to hold loss. We were told to move on. To push through. To keep busy. But grief don’t work like that. When untended, it refuses to wait for permission or convenient timing.

And grief? It ain’t just about death. It’s about everything that’s been left behind. Relationships that no longer fit. Roles we’ve outgrown. Identities and dreams that had to die so we could keep living. My community calls these non-body deaths, Kananapo.

And here’s the thing—grief doesn’t disappear just because we ignore it. It settles in our bodies. It shapes our choices, our relationships, the way we move through a world that won’t stop shifting under our feet.

So, what happens when we stop running from grief? When we name it, witness it, and tend to it? We move from avoidance to presence. From grief-struck to grieftending.

Some things need to die. Period. Not to complete a cycle, not to fit into our tidy narratives—just because they are done, and dragging them forward only feeds the rot, the stench, the futile energy.

That’s What I Let Die—a 4-part podcast from Raising Free People Network about endings, grief, and what we make possible when we stop trying to tuck our losses away and start holding loss with skill and care. 

Join me, Akilah S. Richards, Grief and Loss Educator and longtime podcaster, to feel through grief and relief for the many deaths within our lives

Episodes publish every Sunday, starting March 23rd. Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or anywhere pods are casted.